10 sotish uchun tonna kran-sifatli uskunalar katta imkoniyatlar!

$25,000.00 $60,000.00

(0 sharh)

Sotish uchun 10 tonna kran, bu samarali ko'tarish uchun yuqori sifatli ikkinchi qo'l ikki tomonlama to'sinli kran!

  • Model: QD hook double girder overhead crane
  • Yuk ko'tarish qobiliyati: 10 t
  • Trek oralig'i: 22,5 m
  • Ko'tarish balandligi: 9 m
  • Ishlab chiqarish sanasi: 2015
  • Ishning intensivligi: A5paper size
  • Ishlab chiqaruvchi mamlakat: Xitoy


10 tonna kran sotiladi, 22,5 m. bu yuqori sifatli ikkinchi qo'l ikki tomonlama to'sinli ko'prikli kran bo'lib, uni samarali ko'tarishi mumkin!

Noyob imkoniyat:

Sotish uchun 10 tonna kran bu kamdan-kam imkoniyat, bu ikkinchi qo'lli kran, 2015 yilda ishlab chiqarilgan QD er-xotin to'sinli kran. Garchi u ikkinchi qo'l bo'lsa-da, u butun umri davomida minimal foydalanish va yaxshi texnik xizmat ko'rsatish bilan ajralib turadi, bu uning sifati va ishlashidan dalolat beradi.

Dizayn afzalliklari:

Kranning afzalligi uning egizak to'sinli o'rnatilishidan kelib chiqadi, bu mustahkamlik va yuqori ko'tarish qobiliyatini ta'minlaydi, bu odatda og'ir yuk ko'tarishni amalga oshiradigan ob'ektlar uchun birinchi tanlovdir. Texnik xususiyatlari katta omborlar va ishlab chiqarish muhitlar uchun ideal qilib, bir 10 tonna (tonna) ko'tarish quvvati, 22.5 m (metr) span va 9 m lift balandligi o'z ichiga oladi. Ish intensivligini hisobga olgan holda ishlab chiqilgan ushbu kran kengaytirilgan imkoniyatlarga va A5 ish darajasiga ega, bu uning o'rta va og'ir vazifalar uchun mos ekanligini ko'rsatadi. U nafaqat kundalik ko'tarishda ustunlik qiladi, balki u yanada talabchan operatsiyalarga osonlikcha bardosh bera oladi, uzoq umr va eskirishni kamaytiradi.

Moslashtirilgan xizmatlar:

Ehtiyojlar o'zgarishi mumkinligini tan olib, biz buyurtma qilingan xizmatni taklif qilamiz, ya'ni bu 10 tonnalik kran sizda bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan har qanday aniq talablarni qondirish uchun o'zgartirilishi va yangilanishi mumkin. Kran Xitoydan keladi va uning mustahkam ramkasi va mashinalari chidamlilikni ta'minlaydi va ishlamay qolishni kamaytiradi.

Bizning 10 tonnalik ishlatilgan kranlarimiz sifatni yo'qotmasdan sarf-xarajatlarini optimallashtirishni xohlaydigan aqlli xaridor uchun strategik sarmoyadir. Bu nafaqat pulni tejash, balki biznesingizning yuk ko'tarish ehtiyojlarini o'zgarmas samaradorlik bilan qondiradigan isbotlangan uskunalarga oqilona sarmoya kiritishdir.
Ushbu ishonchli er-xotin to'sinli kranni operatsiyangizning bir qismiga aylantirish uchun bugun biz bilan bog'laning.

QD kancali ko'prikli kran 10t

QD kancali ko'prikli kran 10t

Texnik parametrlar

Texnik parametrlar

Agar bizda sizga mos keladigani bo'lmasa, biz bilan bog'laning, biz sizga uni topishga yordam beramiz.

Kranni sozlash va o'zgartirish


0.0 Average Rating Nominal (0 sharh)


Faqat ushbu mahsulotni sotib olgan mijozlar ushbu mahsulot haqida fikr bildirishi mumkin.

Return Policy

1. Conditions for Returns

We only accept return requests under the following circumstances:

  • Wrong goods delivered by the supplier: The goods received do not match your order, such as discrepancies in model, specifications, or quantity compared to the terms specified in the contract.
  • Goods do not match the contractual specifications: The goods received do not meet the product description, specifications, or other specific requirements outlined in the contract.

Please note, we do not accept returns for the following reasons:

  • Change of mind by the buyer: If the customer changes their purchase decision for personal reasons.
  • Incorrect order: If the customer places an incorrect order due to operational mistakes.
  • Used or damaged goods: If the product has been used, damaged, or if the original packaging has been altered.

2. Return Request Process

  1. Submit a Return Request:
    • If you believe the goods received do not match the contract, you must submit a return request within 7 days of receiving the goods.
    • The return request should include the following information: order number, contract copy, invoice copy, detailed reason for the return, and relevant photos or video evidence.
  2. Request Review:
    • We will review the return request within 5 business days of receiving it and notify you of the result via email or phone.
    • If approved, we will provide detailed instructions on how to return the goods.
  3. Return Process:
    • Please follow our instructions to securely package and return the goods. Returned items must be in their original packaging and unused.
    • If the return meets the conditions, we will cover the return shipping costs.
  4. Refund or Replacement:
    • Upon receiving and inspecting the returned goods, we will process your refund or replacement within 7 business days.
    • The refund will be returned to your original payment method. The exact time for the refund to appear may vary depending on the bank’s processing time.

3. Contract Priority

  • This return policy serves as a supplementary clause. All orders and products will ultimately be governed and interpreted according to the contract signed between you and Cranemart.net.
  • In the event of any conflict, the terms of the contract will take precedence over this return policy.

4. Important Notes

  • Return Timeliness: To ensure a smooth return process, please submit your return request and return the goods within the specified timeframe.
  • Condition of Goods: Returned items must be in their original condition, with packaging intact, unused, and with all original accessories and documentation included.
  • Return Shipping Costs: If the return meets the policy conditions, we will cover the return shipping costs. If the return does not meet the conditions, the return request will be rejected, and the shipping cost will be borne by the buyer.

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us through the following channels:

  • Phone: [Your Contact Phone Number]
  • Elektron pochta: [Your Contact Email]
  • Manzil: [Your Company Address]

We are committed to providing quality customer service, and we thank you for your trust and support of Cranemart.net.



1. Transportation Methods
• Large cranes: Bulk sea shipping
• Small cranes: Container sea shipping
• For countries connected by land: Truck transportation

2. Cost Allocation
2.1 Under FOB (Free On Board) terms:
- Seller bears:
• Domestic transportation costs in China
• Port charges
• Export clearance fees
• Loading charges
- Buyer bears:
• Main freight charges (sea or land)
• Import clearance fees in the destination country
• Transportation costs from destination port to final destination

2.2 Under EXW (Ex Works) terms:
- Buyer bears:
• All transportation costs from seller’s factory/warehouse to destination
• Export clearance fees
• Loading charges
• Main freight charges (sea or land)
• Import clearance fees in the destination country
• Transportation costs from destination port to final destination

3. Insurance
Cargo insurance is to be paid by the buyer under both FOB and EXW terms.

4. Freight Payment Method
Freight charges are to be paid upon arrival at the destination by the buyer.

5. Special Arrangements
• Buyers may choose to appoint their own freight forwarder for pickup, applicable under EXW terms.
• Under FOB terms, specific details regarding domestic transportation costs, port charges, and other pre-loading expenses in China will be executed according to the contract agreement.

6. Important Notes
• Specific cost allocations and responsibilities are subject to the signed sales contract.
• Buyers are advised to clearly understand the responsibilities and cost allocations under the chosen trade term before placing an order.
• For large equipment transportation, special loading and transportation arrangements may be required, which may incur additional costs.

This freight details explanation is for reference only. Specific terms are subject to the contract signed by both parties. For any questions, please contact our sales representatives for more detailed information.
